Dolomitenregion Seiser Alm.
Dolomitenregion Seiser Alm.
Wo die Südtiroler Dolomiten am schönsten sind.

Traumferien in den Dolomiten

Kastelruth, Seis am Schlern, Völs am Schlern, Seiser Alm und Tiers am Rosengarten erwarten Sie

Majestätische Dolomiten-Gipfel. Charmante Orte. Gesellige Menschen. Die größte Hochalm Europas. 300 Sonnentage. Die Schönheit der Dolomitenregion Seiser Alm in Südtirol ist unbeschreiblich. Am besten lässt sich die einzigartige Natur und Landschaft aktiv im Urlaub erleben. Ob beim Wandern oder mit dem Bike im Sommer oder mit Skiern, Snowboard, Rodel oder Langlaufskiern im Winter: Ein Urlaub in der Dolomitenregion Seiser Alm in Südtirol verbindet Outdoor-Erlebnisse mit Landschaftsgenuss und genussvollen Momenten von alpin bis mediterran.
Dolomitenregion Seiser Alm - Südtirol
Urlaub in Kastelruth, Seis am Schlern, Völs am Schlern, Seiser Alm und Tiers am Rosengarten!

Eine Region, die begeistert!

Ein Urlaub auf der Seiser Alm und in den umliegenden Orten führt mitten hinein in die sagenumwobenen Dolomiten, seit 2009 UNESCO Welterbe. Aktive, Genießer, Ruhesuchende, Kulturinteressierte und Familien: Alle finden in der Dolomitenregion Seiser Alm das, wonach sie suchen.
1 Dolomitenregion – 5 Dolomitenorte in Südtirol
im Herzen der Dolomiten
Frühling, Sommer und Herbst in der Dolomitenregion Seiser Alm
Zahlen, Daten, Fakten
Ihr Winterurlaub in der Dolomitenregion Seiser Alm
Zahlen, Daten, Fakten
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alpedisiusi.seiseralm alpedisiusi.seiseralm Gestern

Hidden gems near Kastelruth! 😀
Explore the charming village of Tisens with its iconic church and spire., take a scenic walk to Tagusens for stunning views of Val Gardena and Ritten and don’t miss the free School Museum and the Shoemaker Museum with its 19th-century painted stube. 🥾 🔝

#seiseralm #alpedisiusi #livingthedolomites #loveseiseralm #kastelruth #castelrotto #hiddengems #museum

alpedisiusi.seiseralm alpedisiusi.seiseralm vor 6 Tagen

🍽 Calling all food lovers! October in Völs am Schlern is "Kuchlkastl" time!

Nine amazing chefs are bringing traditional recipes to life with fresh, local ingredients. 🫕

Mark your calendars and join us for a delicious fall experience. 🥗🍷

#seiseralm #alpedisiusi #livingthedolomites #loveseiseralm #völserkuchlkastl #dispensadifiè #genuss

📸 Seiser Alm Marketing - Martin Kompatscher

alpedisiusi.seiseralm alpedisiusi.seiseralm vor 8 Tagen

Let’s go! 💪

The South Tyrol CleanUP Days 2024 start today! 🌿

Lace up your hiking boots, grab a CleanUP Kit & free nature from leftover trash 🏞

As a thank you, you can win valuable prizes from our partners! How do you do that? Simply upload your photo to the CleanUP gallery & you're in the draw. 👍

Good luck 🍀

Info & registration - link in bio

#patroncleanuptour #plasticfreepeaks #youarepatron #grabitandtagit #südtirol #visitsouthtyrol #southtyrolmoment #nature #cleanup #müllsammeln #altoadige #suedtirol #southtyrol #dolomiten #dolomites #3zinnen #eggental #seiseralm #villnoess #visitolang #passeiertal #ahrntal #gsiesertal #lanaregion #gitschbergjochtal #lüsen

alpedisiusi.seiseralm alpedisiusi.seiseralm vor 11 Tagen

The Schlern-Rosengarten Nature Park, the first of 7 nature parks in South Tyrol, was founded on 16 September 1974 and is celebrating its 50th birthday today. 🎉 🌳

Extraordinary natural features and important historical artefacts can be found here in a relatively small area. The nature park is a fascinating habitat of geomorphological and geological importance and a unique flora and fauna with around 790 flowering plants and ferns. 🌸 🦋 🌿

To protect this nature park and preserve it for future generations, the South Tyrol Clean Up Days will take place from 19 to 22 September. 4 days of collecting litter together to preserve this diverse nature. 🌍♻️

#südtirol let's go! 🙌

Follow @plasticfreepeaks & @suedtirol.official for more information!


📸 Dieter Mauroner, Helmut Elzenbaumer, Georg Tascher

#patroncleanuptour #plasticfreepeaks #youarepatron #grabitandtagit #südtirol #visitsouthtyrol #southtyrolmoment #nature #cleanup #müllsammeln #altoadige #suedtirol #southtyrol #dolomiten #dolomites #3zinnen #eggental #seiseralm #villnoess #visitolang #passeiertal #ahrntal #gsiesertal #lanaregion #gitschbergjochtal #lüsen

alpedisiusi.seiseralm alpedisiusi.seiseralm vor 13 Tagen

Today, we’d like to introduce you to a truly special woman: Maria Anna Plunger, the elder farmer of Patenerhof farm in St. Valentin. 😀

She works with great dedication in her beautiful vegetable garden and fields. She skillfully uses the delights of nature to create a variety of products, which she, as an enthusiastic cook of traditional farmhouse cuisine, incorporates into her dishes. 🍅🥔

As part of "Autumn Pleasure," you will have two opportunities to watch her closely and learn her secrets. On September 19, she will share her best strudel recipes with you—a treat not to be missed! And on October 17, she will prepare traditional South Tyrolean dumplings with you, the perfect delicacy for autumn days. 💪🫕

Make sure to sign up with the local tourism offices and join in—it will be worth it!

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