Da Kastelruth, proseguire in direzione di Seis am Schlern. Dopo 2 km svoltate a sinistra in direzione di St. Valentin. Seguite la strada fino all'incrocio Faller Raida, girate a destra e troverete il maso Hof zu Fall sulla sinistra.
Parking spaces available
They have furnished the farm shop with much attention to detail. Here is the perfect place for nice get-togethers and talks about cheese. You can take the taste of pure natural cheese home. Or make a present to your dear ones and bring them several types of cheese.
For the cheese production the use high-quality milk from our farm only.The fresh and natural milk is refined into raw milk cheese.
Points of sale of our products:
- Farmer’s market in Kastelruth, Friday morning
- Farmer´s market in Seis, Tuesday morning
- Supermarket Coop in Kastelruth
- Seiser Alm cablecar - Südtirol Products in Seis
Da Kastelruth a Seis am Schlern si possono prendere le linee di autobus: 3,3A,170,172 o 177. Dalla stazione degli autobus di Seis prendete l'autobus 5 o 15 fino alla fermata Faller Raida, da lì ci vogliono altri 2 minuti per arrivare al maso Hof zu Fall.