Witches´ Chairs

Krausplatz Square 1 39040 Kastelruth/Castelrotto
General description

Witch Martha The Witches´ Chairs remind us of the Schlern witches who met on the Schlern mountain to celebrate their rites. Together with the Witches´ benches they constitute the resting place for the witches. Witches´ Chairs Starting point: Kastelruth Highest point: 1368 Map/guide: Kompass 067 Walking Quide Lift systems: Kastelruth - Schererplatzl - Tiosels - Witches´ Chairs

Public transport
The start of the hike is easily accessible via the following public transportation connections: by bus line 170 from Völs am Schlern to Seis am Schlern and Kastelruth. From there, take bus line 172 to continue to the stop Zerund.
Parking is available directly at the Wasserebene sports ground.
Recommended period
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Witches´ Chairs
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