Karerseestraße | Via Carezza 167 - office Skischool Carezza, parking lot Paolina

Carezza skischool summer – Discovery hunt in the woods

The forest is not only home to animals but also the perfect playground for children. Together, we explore it in all its facets and organize adventurous play activities.

Participation possible half day (35€), full day (60€ excl. lunch) or whole week (190€ excl. lunch).
The program is designed for children aged 5 and above.

Info: Carezza Skischool | | +39 0471 612 236
Registration within 4.00 pm of the day before.

You can find the entire weekly programme on the Carezza Skischool homepage at
Useful informations / what to bring
Mountain boots, small rucksack (sun protection, rain protection, hat, water bottle and snack).
Registration required
Yes, Within 4:00 pm of the previous day at the Carezza Skischool office, at or by phone +39 0471 612 236