Music on the slopes
Music on the slopes
March 2025

Swing on Snow

Six days of music on the ski slopes and in the huts on the Seiser Alm and in the villages at the foot of the Sciliar mountain, sweet melodies and dynamic rhythms, groups from the entire Alpine region, and above all a great atmosphere: this is Swing on Snow 2024. For the 16th year in a row the Seiser Alm WinterMusicFestival offers a mix of traditional folk music with jazz, soul, pop and classical music. This year, renowned musicians such as the exceptional South Tyrolean guitarist Manuel Randi or the renowned wind ensemble Federspiel await you.

The bands play on the various ski slopes on the Seiser Alm in the morning, at lunchtime they perform in the mountain huts of the Seiser Alm and in the evening the villages of Castelrotto, Siusi, Fiè and Tires host atmospheric after ski concerts. During the WinterMusicFestvial musical enjoyment combines perfectly with skiing.

The 17th edition of Swing on Snow will take place on two weekends in March 2025. The concerts are free of charge and there is no seat reservation needed.  An environmentally-friendly arrival is requested!
Swing on Snow Concerts
Which artists appear in Swing on Snow? And when and where do the concerts take place? All events at a glance!

TIP: This year's highlight concert by JEMM Music Project and Manuel Randi will take place on 16 March at the Seiser Alm cable car mountain station from 12.00noon to 3.00pm. On this day, there is a reduced ticket price of €14.00 for the roundtrip with the Seiser Alm cable car for all music enthusiasts.

Concerts at the mountain station cable car Seiser Alm from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
14.03.-16.03.2024 Mountain station cable car Seiser Alm
Band Storta
20.03.-22.03.2024 Mountain station cable car Seiser Alm Tiger Dixie Band

Swing on Snow Band on the slopes from 11.00 a.m.  to 12.00 noon
Thursday, 14.03.2024 Zallinger, Florian
Friday, 15.03.2024 Panorama
Saturday, 16.03.2024
Laurin, Spitzbühl
Wednesday, 20.03.2024 Paradiso, Goldknopf
Thursday, 21.03.2024 Puflatsch
Friday, 22.03.2024 Monte Piz, Sanon

Concert in the huts from 12.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Location Noon
Thursday, 14.03.2024 Zallinger
Salon Odjila
Friday, 15.03.2024 Alpenhotel Panorama
Pavel Shalman & Boki Radenković
Saturday, 16.03.2024 Mountain station cable car Seiser Alm
JEMM Music Projekt & Manuel Randi
Wednesday, 20.03.2024
Hotel Ritsch Trentin Country Band
Thursday, 21.03.2024 Restaurant Puflatsch
Aluna Ensemble
Friday, 22.03.2024 Hotel Icaro Federspiel

Evening concerts from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location Evening
Friday, 15.03.2024 Laechler Saal
Salon Odjila
Saturday, 16.03.2024 Valentinerhof
Pavel Shalman & Boki Radenković
Wednesday, 20.03.2024 Prösels Castle
Mauel Randi Trio
Thursday, 21.03.2024

The concerts are free of charge and there is no seat reservation needed.
Swing on Snow bands & musicians 2024

9 bands and musicians of the alpine area meet in March 2024 for a special and extraordinary musical event in the Alpe di Siusi Dolomites Region. Hot sounds and compelling beats resonate with trombones, bass, dulcimer, accordion. And the combinations are among the most diverse, such as sweet Swiss Hanottere accompanied by drums.

JEMM Music Project & Manuel Randi (I)
Bolzano musician Manuel Randi is an out-and-out virtuoso of the guitar: his exceptional talent has, time and again, brought him to work with first-class musicians on a national and international level. From flamenco to blues and gypsy to jazz, there are very few musical genres which the superlative guitarist Randi is not on first-name terms with. For over 10 years now, he has been performing on international stages with the Herbert Pixner Project and his own Manuel Randi Trio. An all-South Tyrolean lineup overflowing with energy and skilled musicianship, JEMM will be celebrating their 10th anniversary in 2024. Regular festival performers in South Tyrol and abroad, their haunting sound transports their audience on a journey of ethnic music, improvisations and powerful melodies, creating a soul-touching universal language of afro, funk, dance and world music. The superb collaboration with guitar virtuoso Manuel Randi falls into place with natural ease, bringing climactic peaks with an energy and swing that make the music float on air.

Manuel Randi - electric guitar | Mirko Pedrotti - vibraphone, percussion | Matteo Cuzzolin - tenor saxophone | Hannes Mock - slide trombone | Marco Stagni - electric bass | Andrea Polato - drums | Max Castlunger - steelpan, balafon, taishokoto, chalumeau, percussion

Manuel Randi Trio „Sud“ (I)
Manuel Randi is a brilliant musician of a versatility which has led him to work together with renowned recording artists on a national and international level. He is accompanied by Marco Stagni (double bass and electric bass) and Mario Punzi (percussion and drums) in a trio who have evolved together as musicians, creating a dialogue of melody in which the instruments merge as one. From soft strains through to fiery flamenco and an explosion of rock-fusion, these three musicians create virtually every musical mood imaginable with passion and fervour.

Manuel Randi - guitars | Marco Stagni - bass | Mario Punzi - percussion and drums

Federspiel (A)
With their finely-tuned balancing act between brass music and acoustic experimentation, Federspiel have earned themselves a permanent spot in the European brass scene over the past 20 years. A light, easy charm and playful abandon are the shining, defining features of Federspiel. The seven musicians create their own compositions in a range spanning atmospheric minimalism through to power-packed brilliance. Chorales in every flavour and form, yodelling pieces, heart-melting trumpet ballads and, in all of their liberated unrestraint, a considerate mindfulness that stops the strains of the clarinet from dissipating into the ether: All of these qualities infuse this brass music with a delicate, virtuoso appeal. It’s all in the name: Federleicht make feather-light brass music, in a celebration of all that is melancholy.

Frédéric Alvarado-Dupuy - clarinet, vocals | Simon Zöchbauer - trumpet, piccolo trumpet, zither, vocals | Philip Haas - trumpet, flugelhorn, vocals | Christoph Moschberger -trumpet, flugelhorn, vocals | Thomas Winalek - trombone, bass trumpet, vocals | Christian Amstätter - bass trumpet, vocals | Roland Eitzinger - tuba, vocals

Tiger Dixie Band (I)
The Tiger Dixie Band Band plough their musical mastery into recapturing the jazz of the “Roaring Years” and injecting it with an original, contemporary feel. Faithful to the quintessential nuances of New Orleans, Chicago-style, Charleston and Ragtime in both style and spirit (all the more so as a number of their instruments are vintage originals), the overall sound is testimony to the contemporary musical experiences of the band members: In their execution, arrangements and improvisations, the Tiger Dixie Band Band steer well clear of a trite “revival” effect and underscore the heartfelt message that this musical style, like Swing and Bebop, has never aged.

Paolo Trettel - trumpet | Stefano Menato - clarinet | Fiorenzo Zeni - tenor sax | Luigi Grata - trombone | Giorgio Beberi - bass sax | Andrea Boschetti - banjo | Daniele Patton -drums

Swing on Snow Band (A/I)
A mobile and flexible constellation of three open-minded guys present melody, harmony and rhythm in terms of a rebirth of traditional folk - and other songs...

Fabian Baumgartner - organic guitar | Charly Schmid - natural horn | Manuela Kloibmüller - ac acc

Aluna Ensemble (I)
Offering up a bare-bones description of Aluna seems to be a fairly straightforward matter: One viola, two guitars, one trombone, one double bass and five voices – all from South Tyrol – playing music from every corner of the world. A cover band without a drummer, then? Well, it’s not quite so simple. “Aluna” is a word from the multilingual vocabulary of the Kogi, Arhuaco und Wiwa mountain people who retreated to the high-mountain ranges of Colombia 400 years ago to escape the Spanish conquistadors. At that time, the word “aluna” referred to the collective soul, the thoughts and the imagination. Today, the five-piece Aluna ensemble from the multilingual mountainous lands of South Tyrol – ably assisted by their own multicultural inspiration – bring us a soulful adaptation of music from countless lands and cultures of the world.

Zeno Braitenberg - viola, accordion, vocals | Umberto Carrescia - guitar, vocals | Gregor Marini - guitar, vocals | Gigi Grata - trombone, trumpet, vocals | Hartwig Mumelter double bass, vocals

Pavel Shalman & Boki Radenković (A)
Musicians through to their souls, this duo will lead you on a round-the-world voyage filled with virtuoso musicianship, beautiful melodies and humour. Jewish violinist Pavel Shalman and Serbian multi-instrumentalist Boki Radenkovic merge and magnify musical inspiration drawn from the Balkans, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the musette & tarantella of Central Europe, through to klezmer, tango, classical music and jazz. This music is awash with flavours, nuance, thrills and intrepid improvisations that break down musical borders, in a celebration of tradition and a healthy TriOlé disdain for stifling conventions. The only rule? To disregard the rules!

Pavel Shalman – violin | Božidar “Boki” Radenković – accordion, guitar & vocals

Salon Odjià (A)
TangoRomaBalkanJazz. The music of Salon Odjilà is suffused with the atmosphere of the Orient and Occident, of euphoria and melancholy. An intensely compelling live band, Salon Odjilà merge light-footed grooves together with a keen ear for the unexpected and an irrepressible joy of playing. Their music builds bridges between lands near and far with effortless ease, moving seamlessly through a melting pot of world music. The distinctive sound of this quartet is created by a blend of music from a wide array of traditions paired with fresh, contemporary jazz: At times a tango-like ensemble, at times a Balkan-style band, and always with ample space for contemporary solos. Salon Odjilà – the fine song salon – fabulous groove and unconventional improvisations.

Wolfgang Weissengruber - saxophone, keyboard | Manuela Kloibmüller - accordion, vocals | Werner Weissengruber - bass, trumpet | Matthias Eglseer - drums, percussion

BandaStorta (I)
BandaStorta is an audacious ensemble in which every member gives free rein to his artistic imagination. BandaStorta was created by eclectic minds and distorted souls who find their natural balance in arrangements overflowing with the flair and flavour of a circus performance.

Emiliano Tamanini - trumpet | Davide Salata - soprano saxophone | Fabrizio Carlin - trombone | Giorgio Beberi - baritone saxophone | Glauco Benedetti - sousaphone | Filippo Tonini - drums / percussion

Trentin-Country Band (I)
This 6-piece band arrange and perform well-known mountain-choir pieces including La Valsugana, La Villanella and Entorno al Foc, and folk songs of the Trentino region (e.g. I Canederli) in the purest of American style: All the light-hearted fun, energy, innovation and entertainment of country music and a touch of heart-wrenching emotion – showing us, once again the kinship of affinity shared by folk music the world over.

Carlo Casillo - guitar, direction Mariano DeTassis _ drums | Valerio Bazzanella - vocals, piano | Lisa Bergamo - vocals | Giovanni Betti - vocals, guitar | Lorenzo Dallapè - bass |
Nicola Fadanelli - violin
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