Winegrowers of Völs - Tradition at the foot of the Schlern
VÖLS AM SCHLERN | Wednesday at 05:00 p.m.
Guided farm visit with vine tasting and transfer (start: 04:40 p.m.) from Völs: 25,00 Euro/person
14.05.2025, 24.09.2025 |
Prackfol Hof
21.05.2025, 25.06.2025, 08.10.2025 |
Grottner Hof
28.05.2025, 03.09.2025, 15.10.2025 |
Gump Hof – Markus Prackwieser
04.06.2025, 10.09.2025 |
Front Hof
11.06.2025,17.09.2025, 08.10.2025 |
Besserer Hof
18.06.2025,01.10.2025, 29.10.2025 |
Wasserer Hof